How do I access my Subscription / Products?
Once you’ve created a ThoroPACE Account, all subscriptions and downloads can be accessed via the My Account Page. Please login here to access.
When are ThoroPACE Products Available and Updated?
ThoroPACE products are generally available for download at 11AM ET the day prior to the card.
The products are updated around 11AM, 3PM and 6PM each day to account for scratches. Our products factor in scratches, so be sure to make sure you’re referencing the most current version.
You will access the updated products via the My Account page. Each product has a time stamp within the report so you know when it was updated.
Does a ThoroPACE Free Account Require a Credit Card?
No. A credit card (or any other payment) IS NOT required to sign up for a Free ThoroPACE Account.
Does ThoroPACE only look at each runner’s last race?
When we forecast today’s pace, it is based on each runner’s past performances during the past 24 months. In addition to considering how fast each runner has run early, we incorporate factors such as equipment, surface & post position changes.
When we spotlight a runner as controlling speed, it is based on the past 24 months worth of races, with greater emphasis on the more recent races.
When we spotlight a runner as a “Speed Runner Getting Softer Pace”, it is because the runner was involved in a pace battle in his last race AND is projected to get a softer pace today.
When we spotlight a runner as a “Stretch Runner Getting Hotter Pace”, it is because the runner closed ground despite speed-favoring conditions in the last race AND is projected to get a hotter pace today.
Why aren’t ALL races included in the ThoroPACE – Pace Forecast?
Races that feature one or more first-time starters or first-time North American starters are not included in the Pace Forecast. Given the lack of objective data, the pace dynamics and likely leader would be a guess.
As a rule, we don’t provide a Pace Forecast for races that lack sufficient objective data.
How Do I Use ThoroPACE?
Our Product Description Pages have some details that will help you better understand our proprietary methodology.
Each of our products has a brief “user guide” following the daily reports.
We will work toward building a library of content that shows how horseplayers are successfully using ThoroPACE to improve their ROI.
Here is a recent overview.
What do the Up and Down Arrows represent in ThoroPACE Premium?
The idea behind ThoroPACE is to simplify the presentation of complex information. As you use our product, we trust you will become used to how the data is presented and what it means. In the meantime please refer to this:
For win percentage:
^ means the win rate is >20%
^^ means the win rate is >24%
^^^ means the win rate is >28%
^^^^ means the win rate is >32%
For win/place percentage:
^ means the win/place rate is >40%
^^ means the win/place rate is >48%
^^^ means the win/place rate is >56%
^^^^ means the win/place rate is >64%
For win ROI:
^ means blind bets will produce a win ROI less than ½ the takeout
^^ means blind bets will produce a $2 win ROI >$2.00
^^^ means blind bets will produce a $2 win ROI >$2.50
^^^^ means blind bets will produce a $2 win ROI >$3.00
For win/place ROI:
^ means blind bets will produce a win/place ROI less than ½ the takeout
^^ means blind bets will produce a $2 win/place ROI >$4.00
^^^ means blind bets will produce a $2 win/place ROI >$5.00
^^^^ means blind bets will produce a $2 win/place ROI >$6.00
For win percentage:
v means the win rate is <8%
vv means the win rate is <6%
vvv means the win rate is <4%
vvvv means the win rate is <2%
For win/place percentage:
v means the win/place rate is <16%
vv means the win/place rate is <12%
vvv means the win/place rate is <8%
vvvv means the win/place rate is <4%
For win ROI:
v means blind bets will produce a win ROI less than the takeout
vv means blind bets will produce a $2 win ROI <$1.50
vvv means blind bets will produce a $2 win ROI <$1.25
vvvv means blind bets will produce a $2 win ROI <$1.00
For win/place ROI:
v means blind bets will produce a win/place ROI less than the takeout
vv means blind bets will produce a $2 win/place ROI <$3.00
vvv means blind bets will produce a $2 win/place ROI <$2.50
vvvv means blind bets will produce a $2 win/place ROI <$2.00
For vertical value:
^ means the runner is more likely to finish in the tri or super than other runners with the same morning line
^^ means the runner is >30% more likely to finish in the tri or super than other runners with the same morning line
^^^ means the runner is >40% more likely to finish in the tri or super than other runners with the same morning line
^^^^ means the runner is >50% more likely to finish in the tri or super than other runners with the same morning line
For horizontal value:
^ means the runner is more likely to win (keep your pick x going) than other runners with the same morning line
^^ means the runner is >50% more likely to win (keep your pick x going) than other runners with the same morning line
^^^ means the runner is >75% more likely to win (keep your pick x going) than other runners with the same morning line
^^^^ means the runner is more than twice as likely to win (keep your pick x going) than other runners with the same morning line